Stalls and RV's
DRC Rules
DRC Points
Worker Points
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2024 Points
Peanuts Feb 24
Peanuts march 23
peanuts april 13
peanuts may 18
peanuts june 15
Peanuts aug 10
Peanuts Sept 7
peanuts oct 5
peanuts oct 26
Peanuts Nov 9 and final standings
Peewee Feb 24
peewee march 23
peewee april 13
peewee May 18
peewee june 15
peewee aug 10
peewee sept 7
peewee oct 5
peewee oct 26
peewee nov 9 and final standings
Junior feb 24
junior march 23
junior april 13
Junior may 18
junior june 15
junior aug 10
junior sept 7
junior oct 5
junior oct 26
juniors nov 9 and final standings
intermediate feb 24
intermediate march 23
intermediate april 13
intermediate may 18
intermediate june 15
intermediate aug 10
intermediate sept 7
intermediate oct 5
intermediate oct 26
intermediate nov 9 and final standings
Senior feb 24
senior march 23
senior april 13
Seniors may 18
Seniors june 15
senior aug 10
Senior Sept 7
senior oct 5
senior oct 26
seniors nov 9 and final standings
Stalls and RV's
DRC Rules
DRC Points
Worker Points
Contact US